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Clutter processing – THRUPUT

Clutter processing

Clutter processing

Thruput manufacture radar clutter mitigation equipment that is based upon real time logic processing. Because of the high integrity required, the processing is entirely hardware based. It is not a computer, and has no software, operating system or removable media.


By virtue of this, the methods used for clutter mitigation are clearly definable, fast, efficient, logical and clear-cut. This is of particular benefit in the construction of a robust safety case for the system.

Of particular benefit in the construction of a robust safety case for the system are:

  • Fully scalable from 1 onshore wind turbine at any range or bearing from the radar.
  • High reliability
  • Minimum heat output
  • Minimum power consumption
  • Silent operation
  • Multi-redundant installation, each with dual redundant power supplies
  • All inbound and outbound data (video and / or radar) recorded
  • Minimum user controls

Clutter Processing Equipment

Function Product Model
Analogue mitigation MIDAS III Analogue clutter mitigation.

Widely distributed small onshore wind farms

Under the coverage of analogue radar, such as: AR 15, M511 or Watchman.

Digital mitigation RADIX Digital clutter mitigation.

Widely distributed small onshore wind farms

Under the coverage of digital radars, such as: ASR 10, ATCR 33 / 44, STAR 2000 or TPS 77 / 79.

Infill radar integration Analogue and digital radars.

Safe method to introduce infill radar data (such as Aveillant, C-Speed or Terma), which are local to a particular wind farm into the existing display system, used by the ATC unit

This entails removing the clutter from the existing radar display and then adding in new radar data from the infill sensor.



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