Auto Power Fail-Over Switch

Auto Power Fail-Over Switch

The Thruput GF VTCT MD is a failsafe changeover switch for high integrity power systems, that enables dual redundant power supplies to be provided at any connected device.



  • Redundant inputs.
  • Passive failsafe mode (input A).
  • Active fail-over mode (input B).
  • Opto-isolated detection circuit.
  • Instant (~ 4ms) changeover to available power.
  • 3 output ports.

Designed for Air Traffic Management applications, the GF VTCT MD is able to switch automatically between different mains power sources and provides a high integrity safety case to support Air Traffic Operations. The modes of operation are shown below:


The Thruput Auto power Fail Over unit is designed for free standing or rack mounting use, as shown below: