MIDAS II Alpha blending switch

MIDAS II Alpha blending switch

The Midas II switching offers instant switching (with no changeover delay) and enables different systems to be aligned and viewed simultaneously at every console, for example where a legacy system contains radar data that a new system does not, then the MIDAS II can allow every channel to be viewed simultaineously.


Key features

  • 8 inputs to 3 outputs.
  • Support USB mouse and keyboard
  • Instant switching, with no channel resynchronisation delay
  • Integration of data with different security levels with absolute isoltation of the data.
  • Support a ‘pure switching’ mode of operation.
  • Support visual target alignment and registration checks across different input channels.
  • Visualisation of information from any selected input channel pairs (alpha blending).
  • Extract areas of interest from any of the inputs, crop and render in dedicated windows overlaying the current display